Hyaqra Limited.


Drive more Productivity Improvement with our Solution driven by AI & IoT
Innovative solution service used in your daily life, accelerating AI and IoT.
Build Effective & Efficient Landing Page with WordPress for Digital Marketing
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Practical Design Thinking Workshop to find Innovative Solutions
Aim at business growth with genuine business innovation, making use of practical design thinking methodology working with Keio University.
Drive Continuous Growth of Biz & IT with Global Standard TOGAF Standard (R)
Sed perspe unde omnis natus sit voluptatem acc doloremue.
Advance ProtectAdvance ProtectAdvance Protect

Protecting your privacy Is
Our Priority

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What We’re OfferingWhat We’re OfferingWhat We’re Offering

Dealing in all Professional IT

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What’s HappeningWhat’s HappeningWhat’s Happening

Latest News & Articles from the

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Just Founded !

Hyaqra Limited has been founded since June this year. We’re now working harder with our strong passion and enthusiasm for aiming at business growth with our powerful solutions based on our practical experiences over 26 years on AI, Blockchain, AR/VR/XR, Mission-Critical IT, Mobile, TOGAF Standard, Design Thinking. See you here in the near future. Regards, founders